Forschungsbasierte Organisationen und Firmen
Schau Dir die Profile von forschungsbasierten Unternehmen in Deinem Land an und finde heraus was sie machen. Vielleicht inspirieren sie DIch ja, in welche Richtung Deine Ausbildung gehen könnte.
IBSCY Limited (Intelligent Business Solutions Cyprus) was created in 2004 from a team of young Information Technology professionals in order to provide more expertise and knowledge to any size of company throughout Cyprus. The company has become o...
Sektor: Information and communication technologies (ICT)
The family company Doppelmayr was founded in 1893 in Wolfurt, Vorarlberg. In 1937 it manufactured the first ski lift on the Arlberg - marking the start of a ropeway tradition in Austria and beyond. In 2002 Doppelmayr merged with Garaventa, a leadi...
Sektor: Machinery and plant construction
Biomin was founded in 1983, when Erich and Margarete Erber start offering feed additives and premixes for animal nutrition. Soon the company bought the premix factory Intermix, which led to the launch of the first production facility and the sale ...
Sektor: Life sciences and pharmaceuticals
With business activities in Austria dating back to 1866 as a supplier of firefighting equipment, Rosenbauer is the world’s leading manufacturer of systems for firefighting and disaster protection nowadays. For 150 years, Rosenbauer has developed s...
Sektor: Safety and security