Forschungsbasierte Organisationen und Firmen
Schau Dir die Profile von forschungsbasierten Unternehmen in Deinem Land an und finde heraus was sie machen. Vielleicht inspirieren sie DIch ja, in welche Richtung Deine Ausbildung gehen könnte.
AT&S was founded 1987 and is now a world-leading company in the production of high-end printed circuit boards. Today the focus is on mobile devices automobile industry and industrial and medical applications. Six production facilities are located ...
Sektor: Information and communication technologies (ICT)
The history of Donau Chemie dates back till 1828 when its oldest precursor - the company Braun & Wagenmann - was founded in Liesing (on the outskirts of Vienna) producing spirit, brandy and the dye Rosolio. In 1938 three companies producing chemic...
Sektor: Chemicals
In 1981 the ski producer ‘Fischer Ski’ explored new applications of fiber composite technology and secured a contract for the aeronautics industry. These developments eventually led to the founding of an independent company named FACC (formerly: F...
Sektor: Transportation and logistics
CyRIC is a fast growing company with a strategic aim to become an important regional Center developing disruptive products for the world markets and providing unique, high quality services to the industry. CyRIC’s mission is to provide research an...
Sektor: Information and communication technologies (ICT)