Wissenschaftsveranstaltungen in Deiner Gegend
Finde wissenschaftliche Veranstaltungen in Deiner Region und lerne andere Menschen kennen, die ebenfalls an Wissenschaft interessiert sind.

Wissenschaft im Dialog - Veranstaltungen
Open directory which lists relevant science events which are tatrgeted towards a wider audience and which provide free access without fees. It includes filterable information about dates, locations, type of activity and suggested target audience i...
Land: Germany

Wissenschaft im Dialog - Projekte
Directory of science events and exhibitions which are associated with particular projects of the "Wissenschaft im Dialog" initiative, notably the tour dates for "MS Wissenschaft" (travelling science exhibition on a ship), "Science Station" (travel...
Land: Germany

Science Museum
Science Musuem is a directory of 26 science centers in Germany with direct links to their websites, which also include scheduled special events at these science centers.
Land: Germany

Bürger schaffen Wissen - Die Citizen Science Platform
Directory of participatory Citizen Science project in Germany which are part of the joint German Citizen Science initiative of several science organisations in Germay, supported by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research and the Stifterver...
Land: Germany
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