Wissenschaftsveranstaltungen in Deiner Gegend
Finde wissenschaftliche Veranstaltungen in Deiner Region und lerne andere Menschen kennen, die ebenfalls an Wissenschaft interessiert sind.

Science Slams Österreich
Science Slams Austria is a private initiative that organises and presents the past and upcoming Science Slams in Austria. The website offers to register for the newsletter and to buy tickets for upcoming events.
Land: Austria

The Wissenschaftskompass provides a browsable database for science events in Vienna. It can be filtered along the date, by scienfic disciplines and by keywords. It is maintained by the Technical University VIenna and funded by the City of Vienna.
Land: Austria

Falter Eventprogramm
Basically, the Falter event programme shows many different events ranging from concerts to movies and lecturesd. The database can be filtered for science events only and they include STEM related topics as well as social sciences and humanities ev...
Land: Austria

Science Center Netzwerk
Platform of the Austrian Science Center Netzwerk with direct links to 160 members, which are science organisations and particular science initiatives.
Land: Austria
If you have information about other upcoming events contact us at: