437 groups of young people (10-20) from all over Europe have participated in SciChallenge – and the 12 winner projects will be welcomed in Vienna on July 20th/21st to receive their awards.

We kindly invite all friends, families, teachers and peers, as well as all other interested people, stakeholders and decision makers in science engagement and STEM promotion to join as at this event and meet the Award winners in person in the historic main building of the University of Vienna.

SciChallenge Award Ceremony, July 21st, 16:30

Universität Wien | University of Vienna

Auditorium Maximum, Main Building

Universitätsring 1

1010 Wien, Austria




* Introduction and welcome addresses by official representatives

* Family Lecture: "A Chemical Adventure" with Nuno Maulide and his Team

* Award Ceremony - Winner Teams: https://www.scichallenge.eu/en/winners

* Party with interactive programme for all ages


Simultaneous translation German/English is available!

Registration is open on https://kinderbuero-anmeldung.at/article153.htm

(Note: Registration is NOT required for invited awardees and their accompanying persons!)


The presentation of the SciChallenge Award Winners is supported by Infineon Technologies Austria AG