Active Assisted Living
According to the European Commission, Active Assisted Living (AAL) aims to extend the time people can live in a decent way in their own home. It should increase their autonomy and self-confidence, reduce/eliminate monotonously everyday activities, monitor and provide care for elderly people, enhance the security and save resources.
Elderly people living in care institutions as well as at home can be greatly assisted by technology and science. Technological achievements such as video monitoring, health monitoring through electronic sensors and health care equipment as well as other systems can improve many aspects of elderly people's lives. It includes safety, comfortable living and feeling close to the family.
Elderly people living in care institutions as well as at home can be greatly assisted by technology and science. Technological achievements such as video monitoring, health monitoring through electronic sensors and health care equipment as well as other systems can improve many aspects of elderly people's lives. It includes safety, comfortable living and feeling close to the family.
Social Presence: Elderly people living alone often feel lonely, isolated and socially excluded. Although AAL technologies can increase the quality of life of the elderly, also social networks, video conferencing and online meeting platforms can assist these people and increase social inclusion. However, it is contested whether all these technologies do really create less isolation and more participation.
Costs For The Elderly: AAL technologies are expensive and it is persons with more financial resources, who can afford these technologies. Hence, AAL technologies tend to reproduce social inequalities.
Active Assisted Living, Elderly care, Video monitoring, Health monitoring health care, Comfortable living, Feeling presence
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