Research-based Organisations and Companies
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Established in 1876, nowadays the company employs more than 116000 people. About 23000 employees are involved in research and development activities.
Sector: Information and communication technologies (ICT)
Established in 1797, the company nowadays offers more than 1500 products and employs about 1800 people. The turnover in 2015 was about 7590 MSEK.
Sector: Metals and metal processing
Established in 1943 by Ingvar Kamprad, nowadays employs about 155000 people. The revenue in 2015 was 32.7 billion Euros.
Sector: Consumer goods
Peepoople was formed to develop, produce and distribute the Peepoo Sanitation Solution. The mission of Peepoople is that all people who so desire shall have access to dignified and hygienic sanitation. Peepoople was founded in Stockholm, Sweden in...
Sector: Environmental technologies