Details zum Projekt
This project has made it to the Jury Rating!
Combined transport device
Thema: Robotertechnik
Medienformat: Poster
Kombinirana transportna naprava je sestavljena iz zalogovnika obdelovancev, rotacijskega manipulatorja z vakuumskim prijemalom ter transportnega traku. Obdelovanci se potiskajo iz zalogovnika na mesto transporta kjer jih zazna senzor in vklopi se manipulacija. Vertikalni rotacijski manipulator vpenja z vakuumskim prijemalom in prenese obdelovanec na transportni trak. Med tem se vklopi motor transportnega traku, ki transportnira obdelovanec v končno točko. Celotno napravo nadzirajo ustrezni senzorji upravlja jo programabilni krmilnik (PLC).
Projektbeschreibung in Englisch
Combined transport device
I designed and constructed a device for transporting workpieces using sensors and manipulators.
1. Parts: rotation manipulator, vacuum gripper, workpiece tender, conveyer belt, sensors,
2. Operation: The workspiece is transported on the conveyer belt. The operation is controlled by a programmable remote control.
I designed and constructed a device for transporting workpieces using sensors and manipulators.
1. Parts: rotation manipulator, vacuum gripper, workpiece tender, conveyer belt, sensors,
2. Operation: The workspiece is transported on the conveyer belt. The operation is controlled by a programmable remote control.
Combined transport device