Details zum Projekt
Uporaba vetrne energije v Selški dolini
Thema: Open Stem Topic
Medienformat: Presentation
V današnjem času prebivalstvo največ uporablja energijo, ki izvira iz fosilnih goriv kot so nafta, premog in zemeljski plin. Problem teh goriv je, da nastajajo počasneje kot jih izkoriščamo. Zato gospodarstvo teži k uporabi obnovljivih virov energije. V raziskovalni nalogi smo opisali in raziskali zelo zanimivo pretvarjanje vetrne energije v električno energijo. V teoretičnem delu smo najprej raziskali vrste in značilnosti vetrov v Sloveniji in Selški dolini ter uporabo vetrnih elektrarn v preteklosti. Nato smo opisali delovanje in uporabo vetrnih elektrarn danes. Prvi del raziskave pretvorbe vetrne energije v električno smo opravili na modelu vetrne elektrarne Horizon na različnih lokacijah v Selški dolini. Drugi del raziskave pa smo usmerili v koristno uporabo električne energije. Izbrali smo si električno kolo in opravili meritve porabe električne energije za pot v šolo z električnim kolesom. Na podlagi prvega dela raziskave smo določili tip vetrne elektrarne in ugotovili, koliko električnih koles bi lahko napajali z vetrno energijo.
Projektbeschreibung in Englisch
Nowadays, people tend to use energy mostly derived from fossil fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas. The problem with these fuels is that they are consumed at a much faster rate than they are produced. Therefore, the economy is tending to use renewable energy sources. In this research paper we have described and studied the very interesting issue of converting wind energy into electricity. In the theoretical part, we first investigate the nature and characteristics of the winds in Slovenia, especially in the Selca valley, as well as the use of windmills in the past. We then describe the operation and use of windmills today. The first part of the study on how wind energy transforms into electricity was carried out on a model of the Horizon wind farms at various locations in the Selca Valley. The second part of the research was focused on the utilization of electricity. We have chosen the electric bicycle as our reference product and taken measurements of power consumption for a journey to school with an electric bike. Based on the first part of the research we determined the type of wind power plant and found out how many electric bicycles could be powered using wind energy alone.