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Big data

Thema: Big Data
Medienformat: Poster
Big Data je točno to, kar že ime pove. Big podatkov vam lahko povem, vse vrste različnih stvari, kot so, kaj smo počeli, ko, kakšne vrste oblačil, igrač in hrane, ki jo je ljubše, kaj iščejo na spletu in kaj nas zanima. Toda zakaj smo zainteresirani vse te informacije in kaj počnemo z njim? Zaradi najnovejšega tehnološkega napredka, smo zbiranje in shranjevanje več podatkov, in apetit za Big podatkov se povečuje.
Zainteresirani smo za Big podatkov, saj lahko prepoznamo vzorce ali trende in jih previdno, da se pomembne odločitve. Velike trgovine igrače na primer analizirala te podatke za pridobivanje povpraševanja po njihovih izdelkih igrač in prevajanje teh informacij, da vidim, kaj otroci radi kupili večino. Na podlagi tega, gospodarski akterji poslovne odločitve in ustrezno oblikovati svoj oglas strategijo. Dejstvo je, več podatkov nam omogoča, da vidite stvari na nov in drugačen način. In to ni samo gospodarska drobno in trženje organizacije, ki delajo z Big Data. Big Data je mogoče uporabiti tudi povezano z meteoroloških podatkov, zaporedjem nukleotidov, programe biotske raznovrstnosti in veliko zbirko podatkov.
Projektbeschreibung in Englisch
Big Data is exactly what the name suggests. Big data can tell you all kinds of different things, such as what we are doing when, what type of clothes, toys or food we prefer, what we are searching on the internet and what we are interested in. But why are we interested in all this information and what are we doing with it? Due to the recent technological advancements, we are collecting and storing more and more data, and the appetite for Big Data is increasing.
We are interested in Big Data because we can identify patterns or trends and use them carefully to make important decisions. Large toy shops for example analyse this information to extract the demand for their toy products and translate this information to see what the kids like to buy most. Based on this, economic players make business decisions and shape their advertisement strategy accordingly. In fact, more data allows us to see things in a new and different way. And it is not just commercial retailers and marketing organisations that work with Big Data. Big Data can also be used related to meteorological data, genome sequences, biodiversity programmes or large collection of data.
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