Details zum Projekt
This project has made it to the Jury Rating!
SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT #scichallenge2017
Thema: Open Stem Topic
Medienformat: Presentation
V dnešnej dome je úplne samozrejmé, že používame vodu na všetko. Na umývanie, pranie, varenie, v priemysle, dodržujeme pitný režim .... A keď vodu použijeme už sa nestaráme, kde nám potom voda odteká. Lenže mne to nedalo, a tak som sa bližšie pozrela, aké technológie sa používajú v čistiarni odpadových vôd v Holíči, aby potom vyčistená voda mohla byť vypustená do vodného toku. Pričom svojim zložením nesmie narušiť ekologickú rovnováhu vo vodnom toku. #scichallenge2017
Projektbeschreibung in Englisch
Nowadays, it is matter of course, that we use water for everything: washing dishes, laundering clothes, in industry, drinking regime...
After we used the water, we do not care anymore where the water flows away then. But I was so interested in it, so I was looking for some informations, what technologies are being used in Sewage Treatment Plant in Holíč, so the purified water can be discharged into the water stream, but by its composition it cannot disturb the ecological balance in the watercourse. #scichallenge2017
After we used the water, we do not care anymore where the water flows away then. But I was so interested in it, so I was looking for some informations, what technologies are being used in Sewage Treatment Plant in Holíč, so the purified water can be discharged into the water stream, but by its composition it cannot disturb the ecological balance in the watercourse. #scichallenge2017
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