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Drift Trike #SciChallenge

Medienformat: Video
Doma izdelan motoriziran tricikel za driftanje opremljen z 50ccm 5-prestavnim 2-taktnim motorjem.

Description in english:
The inspiration of my drift trike comes from YouTube. I‘ve seen some of the drift trikes and different variations of them so I decided to make one on my own.
I really liked the concept of a motorized trike
so I was gonna go in that direction.
I did a lot of planing and preparations before I started. I had a limited budget so first I needed to find materials and parts that ware budget-friendly.
So that I could actually start constructing this trike of mine i needed:
-a gokart axle
-a set of gokart wheels
-an engine
-pillow block bearings
-an old BMX
-and various steel profiles
I started out with the flat pieces of steel which ware gonna become my bearing mounts.
I drilled two holes for the bolts and grinded out a second larger slot for the axle.
After my bearing mounts ware finished I started working on my central bridge which was gonna connect the axle and the engine with the front wheel and steering handle. I was using a stick welder and an angle grinder to weld and cut everything in the duration of this project
After that I welded the whole back section together including the engine brackets.
I fastened everything together several times to check the fit and appearance of the trike.
I welded the front BMX part with the back construction. And I was very happy with the turn-out. I also noticed a problem; my trike was sitting very low… only 30mm of the ground. But since the trike was only ment for flat street usage I reckoned it wouldn‘t be a big problem.
There was still lots of work to do. I went to a profesional steel-workshop to get the sprocket TIG welded to the axle.
I made a seat, petrol tank, shiftstick, a temporary exhaust and connected everything together.
When i first started my Drift trike up i was overwhelmed with excitement. It drove well even with all the temporary parts. I had some problems with the spark-plug and the air-intake but I took care of it with the new spark plug and an air filter.
So for the finish I made a resonance exhaust, troubleshoot all the small problems that ware present and put on a new paint job. I also had to give it a name. So i named my first Drift Trike with my family name: NAHAUZER
I am very proud of my work and i must say the trike looks awesome and it‘s very fun to drive.
Engine: Tomos APN6 50ccm 5-gear 2-stroke
Gears: 5
Gear ratio: 14:14
Brakes: Front jaw brake
Fuel consumption: 2,3 L/100km
Top speed: 70km/h
-old BMX-25€
-used gokart wheels and axle-45€
-MF Power exhaoust-20€
-steel -aprox. 10€
-paint -aprox. 10€
Together: 130€+/- 10€
The rest of the materials like the engine, sprockets, some of the steel etc. I already had at home. If I ware to buy everything the expenses would be somewhere around 250€-300€
So in conclusion this was a fun project with a few difficulties I had to overcome. Note that I did not have any help from others. It was a personal challenge and think i can say it was a success.
Drift Trike #SciChallenge
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