About Donau Chemie AG
The history of Donau Chemie dates back till 1828 when its oldest precursor - the company Braun & Wagenmann - was founded in Liesing (on the outskirts of Vienna) producing spirit, brandy and the dye Rosolio. In 1938 three companies producing chemicals merged - marking the birth of Donau Chemie. In World War II most chemical production plants were destroyed and the company became subject to public administration until 1958. Since 1997 Donau Chemie Group is a family-owned leading company in the field of chemical industry with almost 1000 employees in 11 countries.
Main Activity Area: Donau Chemie Group consists of four business units: BU Donau Chemie - focusing on the production and distribution of inorganic chemicals for various industrial applications as well as water technology. BU Donauchem - focusing on the distribution of chemical raw materials and products. BU Donau Carbon - focusing on the production, impregnation and reactivation of activated carbon. And BU Donau Kanol - focusing on the development and production of liquid and pasty consumer products in cosmetics, household, car and technology.
Research Area: Donau Chemie Group develops customized products in the areas of activated carbon, chemical compounds for commercial and industrial use, consumer products, water and paper technology It also offers and develops a range of products to ensure a safe and hygienic operation of public swimming pools, thermal baths and spas as well as nature cosmetics and environmentally-friendly household cleaners.
Achievements: Donau Chemie Group´s own central research and development department has an extensive know-how and develops innovative high quality products for the benefit of the people and the environment. They are committed to use environmentally friendly raw materials and develop environmentally sensitive products. Donau Chemie Group has longtime experience in treating municipal and industrial wastewater and is one of the leading companies for active waste management today. Its products are used successfully in a variety of applications – from the phosphate precipitation to the production of potable water. In a similar field Donau Chemie Group developed - in cooperation with the Technical University of Graz - different polyaluminium polymers to optimize the production process in the paper industry. Special products for the treatment of drinking water and air purification in automobiles have been created by modifying activated carbons. Furthermore, Donau Chemie Group is developing particular compositions for any individual request for their customers.
Staff Qualifications: As Donau Chemie Group is established in the field of chemical industry you need a degree of a secondary technical college or University in chemistry, chemical and process engineering or technical chemistry - specialization is needed depending on the business unit and specific area you want to work in. There is also the opportunity to start at Donau Chemie Group as an apprentice in the fields of laboratory technology, electrical industrial engineering and process control as well as mechanical engineering technology.