
Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik AG

Sektor: Information and communication technologies (ICT)
Leoben, Austria

About Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik AG

AT&S was founded 1987 and is now a world-leading company in the production of high-end printed circuit boards. Today the focus is on mobile devices automobile industry and industrial and medical applications. Six production facilities are located in Austria and India, China and South Korea). AT&S employs more than 9,000 people.

Main Activity Area: High-end printed circuit boards are the core of each electronic device. AT&S concentrates its business in the segment mobile devices on high-end PCBs for smartphones, tablets, notebooks and consumer electronics like cameras. For the automobile industry AT&S supplies PCBs for gear box, advanced driver systems like lane change assistants, navigation, safety features, etc.). For industrial customers AT&S manufactures PCBs for industrial computers, machine-to-machine communication, robotics., In the medical sector AT&S manufactures PCBs ranging from diagnostic appliances to pacemakers, hearing aids, in body applications like insulin pumps or neurostimulators.
Research Area: Central R&D activities are located in headquarters in Leoben, Austria. Technologies then are developed to serial production in the respective production location.

R&D focus areas are the integration of electronics in the smallest of spaces and interconnection of electronic modules, miniaturization and weight reduction of PCBs in order to enable lighter and more powerful electronic devices, new highly integrated modules to achieve tightest packing density and highest performance, high speed/high frequencies for contactless communication and large volumes of data and radar applications for self-driving cars and also interconnect solutions for energy-efficient mobility.
Achievements: After 17 months of extensive development AT&S received in February 2016 the certification for the serial production for the first generation of IC substrates (providing interconnection between PCB and microchips for processors) and becomes the first manufacturer of high-end IC substrates in China.
AT&S spends roughly 5-8% of revenue for R&D activities and has currently 212 patents granted.
Staff Qualifications: Researchers at AT&S have graduated in electrical, process or production engineering or a related field. These university degrees are obtained from a Technical university or a school for applied science. For students internships and cooperations for a master/PhD thesis are offered.