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3-scan and demonstration on tablet for Museum
Téma: 3D Printing
Typ média: Video
3d skeniranje športnega dirkalnega avtomobilčka
in predstavitev na tablici.
Muzej narodne osvoboditve Maribor in Srednja šola za oblikovanje Maribor
Opis: Čas nastanka:okrog leta 1960
Mere: dirkalni avto - 6 cm; 9 cm; 16 cm;
Materiali: kovina, plastika
Športni dirkalni avto, model: plastična karoserija, modre barve z režami na pokrovu motorja in ob straneh, enosed, sedež je rdeče barve, volan, menjalnik, pleksi vetrobransko steklo, bela maska z napisom: Schuco, 4 kolesa s pnevmatikami; zadaj in spredaj je na modri karoseriji bela številka 1; na spodnji strani je reliefni napis: Schuco / 1070 / Grand Prix Racer / Made in U.S. Zone Germany.
in predstavitev na tablici.
Muzej narodne osvoboditve Maribor in Srednja šola za oblikovanje Maribor
Opis: Čas nastanka:okrog leta 1960
Mere: dirkalni avto - 6 cm; 9 cm; 16 cm;
Materiali: kovina, plastika
Športni dirkalni avto, model: plastična karoserija, modre barve z režami na pokrovu motorja in ob straneh, enosed, sedež je rdeče barve, volan, menjalnik, pleksi vetrobransko steklo, bela maska z napisom: Schuco, 4 kolesa s pnevmatikami; zadaj in spredaj je na modri karoseriji bela številka 1; na spodnji strani je reliefni napis: Schuco / 1070 / Grand Prix Racer / Made in U.S. Zone Germany.
Popis projektu v angličtině
3-d scan and modeling of a sports car from 1960 which was made in the U.S. Zone Germany.
First we have scanned the car with a 3D scanner, then we did the remodeling with 3d software Maya. All the work has been done at our school. In the end we converted it for tablet use and brought it to the National liberation museum in Maribor where the visitors can use it and get a more in depth experience of the model, because they can use it virtually.
First we have scanned the car with a 3D scanner, then we did the remodeling with 3d software Maya. All the work has been done at our school. In the end we converted it for tablet use and brought it to the National liberation museum in Maribor where the visitors can use it and get a more in depth experience of the model, because they can use it virtually.
3-scan and demonstrati...
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