Vědecké události ve Tvém okolí
Najdi vědecké události ve Tvém regionu a poznávej i další lidi, kteří mají o vědu také zájem.
Science on Stage fesztivál
At the festival around 450 primary teachers and STEM teachers will come together to exchange innovative teaching concepts. They present their most innovative ideas from teachers for teachers in a fair, in workshops, and performances. All projects ...
Země: Hungary
A Föld Napja - tudományfesztivál
Earth Day is an annual event, celebrated on April 22, on which day events worldwide are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. It was first celebrated in 1970, and is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network and celebra...
Země: Hungary
Csodák Palotája
The Center of Scientific Wonders is not simply an exhibition, but a 1700 square-meter physics play-house, where over 1700 square-meter physics play-house children learn about the phenomena of physics in a fun way. All exhibited games are interacti...
Země: Hungary
MTA Eseménynaptár
This directory provides the events that are organized by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Země: Hungary
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